New date, location, and time due to field conflict. Friday March 18 7pm. Sparks Stadium
Inaugural Season 2015
New date, location, and time due to field conflict. Friday March 18 7pm. Sparks Stadium
2017 Season
Here is what is coming up in the next few months.
Download Flier for Sponsor donations for the 2017 season. Please share it with your favorite businesses. We are selling advertisements:
To be displayed at every home game, we are selling individual banners, acknowledgement on the Team Banner or on the game program. Or cash donations.
We aren’t supported by the School ASB/WIAA and must raise money for most of our Team’s needs.
Our 2017 season schedule .
We still need a few scorekeepers or timers for this week’s games. Please consider signing up for a game. We will train if you are need to these volunteer positions. Also this may be a good week to sign up with all of the rain. You will be under a tent instead of sitting in the cold rainy stands